
Tuesday, September 29, 2009


For other uses, see Health care (disambiguation).
Surgery is one of the most difficult procedures in medicine.
Researchers looking at monoclonal antibodies.
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is a well-known international relief movement.
Health care (often healthcare in American English), refers to the treatment and management of illness, and the preservation of health through services offered by the medical, dental, complementary and alternative medicine, pharmaceutical, clinical laboratory sciences (in vitro diagnostics), nursing, and allied health professions. Health care embraces all the goods and services designed to promote health, including “preventive, curative and palliative interventions, whether directed to individuals or to populations”.[1]
Before the term health care became popular, English-speakers referred to medicine or to the health sector and spoke of the treatment and prevention of illness and disease.

(S.T.Bukhari) 0322-4548807